Drip Automation

Automating things helps us excel in other aspects of our goals. Our goal to grow organic food and healthy people has been made easier after automating our drip irrigation system, narrowing our focus to other aspects of the job like preparing organic manure and...

Eggplant seed collection

We had planted white eggplant a few months ago and at that time I had collected those eggplant seeds. I wanted to share with you how I did it and my experience while doing it. So if you had seen white eggplant you would know that when they ripen they turn yellow, this...

Cluster bean seed collecting

We had cluster beans as an intercrop for guava some time ago, and I wanted to share with you how I tried to collect and preserve those seeds. Cluster Beans grow upright, reaching a maximum height of up to 2–3 m. It has a main single stem with either basal...

Farm 2 Home

Farm 2 Home is an organization where farmers can sell their products directly to people’s houses. It has been about 8 months since we started. October 8th was our 60th delivery for Dharapuram. We have a WhatsApp group, an App, and a Website where we will have a...

Treated Cow Urine Experiment

I would’ve already posted on how to make Treated cow urine (TCU) and what it is, but now I have done this experiment. What I did is made TCU with the aerator. I took two drums of TCU side by side number ‘1’ with the air pump and number...