Drip Automation

Automating things helps us excel in other aspects of our goals. Our goal to grow organic food and healthy people has been made easier after automating our drip irrigation system, narrowing our focus to other aspects of the job like preparing organic manure and...

Eggplant seed collection

We had planted white eggplant a few months ago and at that time I had collected those eggplant seeds. I wanted to share with you how I did it and my experience while doing it. So if you had seen white eggplant you would know that when they ripen they turn yellow, this...

Cluster bean seed collecting

We had cluster beans as an intercrop for guava some time ago, and I wanted to share with you how I tried to collect and preserve those seeds. Cluster Beans grow upright, reaching a maximum height of up to 2–3 m. It has a main single stem with either basal...

Farm 2 Home

Farm 2 Home is an organization where farmers can sell their products directly to people’s houses. It has been about 8 months since we started. October 8th was our 60th delivery for Dharapuram. We have a WhatsApp group, an App, and a Website where we will have a...

Treated Cow Urine Experiment

I would’ve already posted on how to make Treated cow urine (TCU) and what it is, but now I have done this experiment. What I did is made TCU with the aerator. I took two drums of TCU side by side number ‘1’ with the air pump and number...

Treated Cow Urine (TCU)

It has been 2 weeks since I made Treated cow urine for the first time. Just by looking at its texture, it looks so rich. The smell is not very bad though it will only go off your hand if you wash your hand with soap 3 times or if you use hand sanitizer 2 times!! It is...

Compost Tea (Vermicompost)

I just started to make vermicompost tea with our very own vermicompost! This was our first time using vermicompost, and we didn’t know what to do with it. If we wanted to directly dig a hole and dump the compost inside near a tree, it not only will be expensive...

Archaebacterial Solution

We have started to make the archaebacterial solution which is called தொல்லுயிர் கரைசல் in Tamil. So far we have made about 4 batches of this solution. This archaebacteria is anaerobic and is in cow dung. Anaerobic bacteria should not be in touch with outside air in...

Neem Cake Powder for Guava

Last week we have given neem cake powder to our guava plants!! Neem Cake Powder is rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and calcium. We also had some old Vermicompost, so we added that to the mixture too. We mixed Metarhizium, Basillis Subtillis, Pseudomonas, Buveria...

Leaf Extract

We just made leaf extract! It took one whole day to make it, it was exhausting. We used many leaves to make this extract. We first took 3 – 5 kilograms of each of the needed leaves, Then we cleared the big stems and only used the leaves. Lastly, we took three...

Ridge, Snake and Bitter Gourd

We have planted about 200 Ridge, 250 Snake, and 250 Bitter Gourd seeds! Our first trial of bitter gourd did not come out well, it was affected by some kind of disease or deficiency. Our first try of ridge gourd turned out to be good but not the second round, I think...

Peanut (Groundnut) Plantation

Today we have planted peanuts just beside our green gram field. We have already planted and harvested peanuts many times, but this time we did something different, we treated the seeds. Treating the seeds is a very important way to fertilize and help remove any fungal...

Green Gram Plantation

Today we have planted green gram!! The last time we planted green gram it did not give any yield because of the season and unpredictable weather. This time we did something different. After plowing the soil, we first sprayed Rhizobium, Azospirillum, and Azotobacteria...

Multiplying Bacteria

Just this week, we have started the automation to multiply good bacteria that are essential to our soil. We buy a good sum of bacteria every month to feed to our trees and plants. As our plants and trees grew, we started analyzing the cost for these. Looking at the...